Wessex Saddlebacks

The Wessex Saddleback is a heritage grazing pig extinct in its native Britain.
They have a distinctive white band over their shoulders and down both front legs.
They are a docile rangy pig with large floppy ears.
They do not dig as much as other pigs and are adapted for forest and pastures.
We keep our pigs under our orchards to eat discarded windfalls and add organic manure.
We supplement in times of drought with ration but we do not swill feed.
The management of these grazing pigs is obligatory free range and there is a concurrent reduction in food conversion rates as these pigs are very active.
There is, however, a spectacular payoff of in flavour.
Wessex saddlebacks are renown for their bacon, ham and prociutto.
Our pigs are registered with the Australian Pigs breeders Association
Growers are available in spring and summer through our contacts page.